NSW Regional Development Camp Report - Wagga Wagga
Published Thu 06 Oct 2016
NSW Regional Development Coach Anthony Redward has provided the following report from the 2-day camp held in Wagga Wagga
DATE – SEPT 24, 25
30 Athletes and 4 Coaches from Wagga Wagga, Riverina, Victoria and Sydney attended the third Boxing Australia NSW Regional Development Camp for 2016. The camp was presented by NSW Regional Development Coach Anthony Redward. Coach Joel Davis also made the trip down from Sydney to assist with the camp.
Day 1 covered Boxing Australia camp content:
- General warm up
- Shadow boxing (specific)
- Bag work (specific)
- Condition Sparring
It became clear very quickly that the BAL Development content struck a chord with all in attendance. A couple of the athletes had been exposed to the ABC and Shadow boxing content before, but overall it was new to most of the camp attendees. The enthusiasm for the camp content was high, with lots of group discussion, review and practice. Was very positive to see athletes and coaches interacting and discussing what they had learned. Owen Leach and Alannah Mulaly from Barefoot boxing were particularly interested in footwork drills that they could add to their current training, and were seen practicing these drills in between sessions. Excellent work from these 2
KEY POINT: Identified Athlete – Owen Leach
The day was wrapped up with 10 minutes of questions and revision, as well as preparation for day 2.
Day 2
Day 2 began with a revision of day 1, with any questions participants had addressed, as well as a rundown of days 2 activities:
- General warmup
- Introduction to Floor Patterns and ABC’s
- Individual Training (Shadow boxing, hitting equipment, use of floor patterns)
- Condition Sparring
The Floor Pattern and ABC’s (Agility/Balance/Coordination) session were very well received. As stated in previous camp reports, it is very encouraging to see the enthusiasm of athletes that are becoming familiar with this system introduced by BAL Head Australian Coach Kevin Smith. This system, can be easily learnt, practiced and applied to any gym or training structure.
The day and camp wrapped up with discussion of the weekends activities, and once again the group having lots of questions and feedback about the camp, as well as having lots of questions about future camps and training methods.
I would like to thank NSW Coaching Course presenter Joel Davis for assisting with the camp also. Joel is a developing Coach with ever expanding knowledge and enthusiasm for the BAL System.
Thanks goes also to Coach Tony Abbot, for providing us with a great facility and being an entertaining and encouraging host.
The Next Boxing Australia Regional Development Camp for NSW will be:
DATE: November 5th and 6th
LOCATION: Forte Boxing Academy, Albion Park NSW
Anthony Redward
Boxing Australia
NSW Regional Development Coach