BAL Competition Code of Conduct

For Boxing Australia National Competitions including Elite, Under 19, Under 17, Under 15 and Under 13 Australian Boxing Championships and National Team Selection Events.

Boxing Australia Limited (BAL) requires your agreement, in your capacity as a Boxing Competition Official or Team Official (including as a Coach) or Boxer, to the following Code of Conduct for you to participate or officiate in a BAL competition:


Article 1     I shall ensure that my conduct will not in any manner tarnish the reputation of the Sport of Boxing or BAL.

Article 2     I shall respect and comply with all Regulations for Boxing Australia competitions organised by or on behalf of BAL.

Article 3     I shall not, whether acting alone or in collaboration with any person(s), violate any BAL Regulation.

Article 4     I shall conduct myself in an ethical manner and respect the Technical Delegate and all officials and competitors.

Article 5     I shall not in any circumstance, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or offer any form of remuneration or commission, or any concealed benefit, service or gift of any nature, that could be considered a bribe or of other undue influence.

Article 6     I shall not bet on any boxing competition.

Article 7     I shall not share inside information* at any time and in any circumstance.

Article 8    I shall not supply any alcoholic beverage to any participant under the age of 18 for the period of the BAL competition.

Article 9    I shall not drink any alcoholic beverage if I am under the age of 18 for the period of the BAL competition.

Article 10  I, as an appointed Team Manager, will take responsibility for all aspects of managing that Team for the BAL competition.

*“Inside information” refers to any type of information relating to any competition or competitor that a person possesses by virtue of his/her position in relation to boxing competitions or boxers, excluding any information already published or of common knowledge.

Reporting Obligations

Article 11   I shall immediately report to the Technical Delegate any violation or attempted violation of this Code by any person.


Article 12   I shall not enter into any form of harassment or abuse of a person, be it verbal, physical or sexual, or cause or instigate to cause to any person any mental injury at any time, or physical injury outside of the competition.

Article 13 I shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Responsibilities of Boxing Competition Officials

Article 14 Any information deemed confidential I may receive from BAL or may learn in the course of my duties as a Boxing Competition Official must remain confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone other than the Technical Delegate.

Article 15 I shall not socialise with or become intimate or enter into any relationship with a Boxer or Coach or other Team Official during the competition. And, I shall not behave in any other manner which could cast doubt on my impartiality as a Boxing Competition Official.

Article 16 I shall immediately disclose any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest I believe I may have to the Technical Delegate, especially any relationship or connection with a Boxer or Coach or other Team Official,

Article 17 I shall fulfil my mission at the highest level of integrity and competence and, importantly, never make a biased decision impacting the course or the outcome of the competition.

Article 18 I shall not communicate with anybody, other than the Technical Delegate, regarding any competition-related issue, especially not to persons from my own state/territory such as a Member Association member and a Member Association Committee of Management member, as well as not to the media and the public. Additionally, I shall not comment about any competition-related issue on social media.

Article 19 I shall be punctually on time for all competition duties assigned to me.

Article 20 I shall be available to attend any Boxing Competition Officials’ meetings both during and before the Competition.

Article 21 I shall fulfil all duties assigned to me by the Technical Delegate.

Article 22 I shall not use or carry any electronic communication device (including but not limited to a mobile phone, a laptop and a tablet computer) inside the Competition Venue. However, the Technical Delegate, BAL Staff and any other duty positions holders, where it is deemed necessary, may use such devices to perform their official duties.

Article 23 I shall always maintain a professional appearance when performing my duties as a Boxing Competition Official.

Article 24 I shall not criticise or attempt to explain decisions and actions of any Boxing Competition Official, including myself, unless requested by the Technical Delegate to do so.

Article 25 I shall not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs which affect my judgement while officiating in a BAL competition including its related meetings and weigh-ins.

Article 26 I shall not smoke in the Competition Venue or any area not designated for smoking.

Interpretation and Sanctions

Article 27 I agree to be bound by this Code of Conduct as well as all BAL Regulations, and acknowledge that any infringement of this Code of Conduct or any BAL Regulation may be referred to Boxing Australia Limited and may lead to disciplinary measures and sanctions to be taken against me.


Answer the following questions correctly to finalise the submission of your Code of Conduct